
Showing posts from June, 2013

Jamaica Mission Trip

This past week has been absolutely amazing. It's hard to even know were to begin. The beauty of Jamaica with blue clear water, mountainous terrine, lush green forests and fresh mango's. Sometimes it was hard to keep track of time and know were you are. When the team first got to the Montego Bay YWAM campus, it sits on a mountain were you can see over the ocean and nothing but a view. Our rooms were facing the ocean side, it was hard to not wake up to seeing it. Each morning began at 6am for breakfast, then we had devotions. But now let's get more into the reason why we came and the things we did here. The first day we went to Robin's Nest children's home. it was quit the journey getting there. it was very hilly and narrow roads. We did a lot of physical work and got to play with the children. We got a tour of the place and got to see the different rooms and how the place came about. it was amazing to see all of the children's names and pictures ...