
Showing posts from 2017

Give thanks to Him, praise His name!

Hello Friends!! So I wanted to share some heart to heart thought's with you. Over the past year or two, I have overcome some very hard life lessons, many of which are crucial to our well being. I learned a lot about the 'little stuff' that makes a big difference. I have learned more about myself and my character and how I handle situations, how I relate to people, and what I strive to be. When sometimes you need to learn to let go, because a lot is out of your control. but you can only do the best that you can. Life is messy, relationships are messy, everything is messy. but God takes that brokenness and can make it something beautiful. I felt convicted about my social media use over the summer. and you know what, I'm glad that I was. I didn't realize how consumed I was by it, even for the wrong reasons. It has its uses, but we need to be so careful in how we use it. Who we are online is not who we are in real life. we have personalities, a way we express ours...