
Showing posts from December, 2018

2018: A Year in Review

Faith is the bridge that will carry you from where you are to where God has called you to be. Remember, you are to walk by faith, not by sight. 2018 has been a difficult year. I think most of us can say that. It’s been seasons of hard work in our lives, disappointments and setbacks. I came into the year with so much hope and that God was going to do big things.  The reality is that God often surprises us. We expect something big and extravagant with our obedience, but really God wants us to be obedient. Not because of what happens at the  end, but because of what happens during it.  At the beginning of the year, God gave me the word grace upon grace. Later on, He gave me the words my thirty years of waiting and discernment. It's unusual to get more then one word, but it makes sense. The biggest one He's been teaching me is discernment. God was working on breaking patterns in my life last year, and it all came together in what discernment really means. The reality is t...

Mountain Top Moments

I trust the next chapter because I know the author.  I firmly believe that everything God is preparing you for is worth the wait. The time He has given me will not go to waste. The waiting, the wondering, and will He come through. I look back on this year and wonder what all has happened. God has been teaching me obedience, discernment, leaning not on my own understanding and fully trusting Him. He has been pruning me and healing me to become the woman God created me to be. I sometimes think I complain a lot, but I'm just trying to be honest with where I'm at. I don't have to like being single, but I can be content with where I am at.  It might be weird for me to say this, but I look back in my twenties and I'm so glad I didn't get married. I didn't know who I was, what I wanted or where I was going. All the set backs, disappointments and rejections actually were a big blessing. Even though at the time it was painful and hard to understand. The past two year...