
Showing posts from 2011

It's Christmas!

It's the holiday season again and Christmas is an amazing time to share with family and friends. It's been a progression of traditions and events around the area, and there's nothing like a warm blanket and hot chocolate. It's been a trying eventual year. It has been a progress of many changes, from letting go, finishing college and not knowing what the future holds. It's been a real struggle at times, but knowing that everything happens for a reason, gives faith and hope to move forward. But I am looking forward to what the future has to offer and where life will lead next. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!  ~ Lindsay ✩  

Mike & Andrea Engagement

I had an amazing time shooting engagement pictures for two of my best friends. We took them at a park near Philly. Congrats to mike and Andrea!! 

Autumn, the year's last loveliest smile

It was a beautiful fall day to spend outside and to look at the beauty around you. I ventured to Marsh Creek and the leaves are all ever changing. Sometimes, only the small things in life can bring the most joy.