
Showing posts from 2013


 Hello Friends!                I am excited to share with you a challenging opportunity that has opened up to me. In January, I will be starting my journey with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to do my Discipleship Training School (DTS). It is a training program with a 12 week lecture phase and an 8 week outreach.                        I have always had a heart for missions and felt led to further my knowledge and serve in different areas of the world. DTS is to further equip each one to serve God’s purposes either in or outside of the YWAM family of ministries. Strengthen a commitment to reach the lost, especially the un-reached and to influence all areas of society. Also, to practice living out your faith while serving the nations during the outreach phase and e xperience  cultures and languages you haven’t encountered before. Finally, build friendships w...

Jamaica Mission Trip

This past week has been absolutely amazing. It's hard to even know were to begin. The beauty of Jamaica with blue clear water, mountainous terrine, lush green forests and fresh mango's. Sometimes it was hard to keep track of time and know were you are. When the team first got to the Montego Bay YWAM campus, it sits on a mountain were you can see over the ocean and nothing but a view. Our rooms were facing the ocean side, it was hard to not wake up to seeing it. Each morning began at 6am for breakfast, then we had devotions. But now let's get more into the reason why we came and the things we did here. The first day we went to Robin's Nest children's home. it was quit the journey getting there. it was very hilly and narrow roads. We did a lot of physical work and got to play with the children. We got a tour of the place and got to see the different rooms and how the place came about. it was amazing to see all of the children's names and pictures ...

New Adventures

I could not be more excited that God is leading me to new places. First, in a matter of weeks i am leaving with my team from church to the YWAM base in Jamaica. So looking forward to what is going to happen there and the things I will see there. Second, everything is finalized that I will be doing my Discipleship Training School in YWAM Lausanne beginning in January. I couldn't be more excited for this next step on my journey. 

We walk by Faith, not by Sight ..

It's difficult to explain how much things can change and you never know were God will lead you. You try new things, and sometimes it doesn't always work out. Through trials and errors those experiences will only lead you to the person you are supposed to be. I'm between a cross roads of figuring out my calling in life and still experimenting on new things. I want to finish school, go to Switzerland and do DTS and i want a full time job, relationship. but it seems that everything is going to happen in God's timing. One thing I have learned over the past year and half is patience. I have no idea how I survived some situations and others. I seem to trust God a 100% to pull through, and most of the time He does. I adjusted to a new town, new church, new people. and they are more like a second family. God knows how provide. It's hard to explain how I feel sometimes because my emotion's run dry or it's hard to explain my place in life. i just play it by y...

New year, New start, New me!

It's hard to believe that 2012 is gone and done with. So much has happened, and time flies by! I moved to a new house, got a job with Ralph Lauren, started riding again and found a wonderful church. But i have realized that sometimes God has to force you out of seasons in your life to get you to where you need to be. The past year and a half has been a chapter of faith and learning to let go of what you cannot control. there are people you have to learn to let go of and situation's that are sometimes unbearable. When it seems like everything is going against you, that is when you have to trust that God is behind you. it's been hard learning to deal with these situation's but it has made me into and incredibly strong person because of it. There is a lot that I would like to do, and make new resolutions for the new year. such as getting fit, eating right, being more productive, getting a better job. These are all great, but if God was able to get me through the past y...