Hello Friends! 

             I am excited to share with you a challenging opportunity that has opened up to me. In January, I will be starting my journey with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to do my Discipleship Training School (DTS). It is a training program with a 12 week lecture phase and an 8 week outreach.           

         I have always had a heart for missions and felt led to further my knowledge and serve in different areas of the world. DTS is to further equip each one to serve God’s purposes either in or outside of the YWAM family of ministries. Strengthen a commitment to reach the lost, especially the un-reached and to influence all areas of society. Also, to practice living out your faith while serving the nations during the outreach phase and experience cultures and languages you haven’t encountered before. Finally, build friendships with people from around the world that could last a lifetime, while being challenged as you discover more about the person God created you to be.

         This is something I cannot do alone. You can also be a part of my trip through prayer. Please pray for me as I embark on a new journey and learn to trust God in unfamiliar places. Your prayers are greatly desired through the learning process, good health, safety, my team, and outreach sites. An additional way is to financially invest in my trip. I must raise $9,000 to cover my school fees, outreach phase and additional expenses. If you wish to give financially, you may make checks payable to Petra Christian Fellowship with my name on the memo line.         

         I am thoroughly excited for this opportunity and new challenges ahead. I will have updates available through my journey with YWAM. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support! 


Petra Christian Fellowship
565 Airport Road
New Holland PA 17557

**You can also donate at www.ywamdenver.org
-go to Donate 
-click school payment
-fill in amount 
-put in my name, Boarders DTS 2014 (for name of school) and January 6, 2014 as school date. 


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