True Love Dates

I attended a singles seminar with Debra Fileta, who is a relationships blogger and counselor. She talked through some hard truths, but also what it means to be a healthy person to have healthy relationships. Here are a few things she said:

•Healthy people equal healthy relationships 
•Set boundaries as a single person way before marriage
•Be two whole people who don’t need each other, but rather choose to be with each other 

•Choose someone who will get better with time 
•Give and take, learn to communicate your feelings, interdependence 
•Be spiritually equal, anything of value is worth protecting 

Relationships are hard. We talk it up, to be something so much more then it is. That includes families, kids, relationships and marriage. Your feelings are vital and need to be able to talk about it. Learning to have a middle ground with personality differences. And really knowing who you are. Be in a healthy place as a single person. This is something I'm really learning and how important it is to be healthy. 

The truth is your going to get hurt by a lot of people before you meet the right one. Yes I've been hurt a lot, and it sucks to be rejected by someone you really like. I finally feel like I'm in a healthy place to start wanting to like someone new. My options seem super slim though, so that's frustrating. (Is there anyone single in Lancaster?) But I want it to flow together, like it should be. Not just one sided. It's a give and take, and it's unhealthy to keep giving and not receive. 

Okay, I may be a hopeless romantic, and want that fairly tale romance of how you meet someone, and know they are the one. And I know it doesn't always happen that way for everyone. But it's also realizing that we all deserve a love like that. And God is so much more creative then anything we can put together ourselves. It's just the waiting the trusting and the waiting. Almost 30 years of waiting!! 

When you put God first, then everything else will fall into place. And I pray to let God get rid of the distractions that don't need to be there. I don't want get myself emotionally involved way to soon when the other person is not on that level. It's just being self aware of yourself, and all that stuff. Your going to carry your wounds wherever you go, it's just meeting someone who is strong enough to help you along the way. If we are constantly wanting the next big thing, then we are never going to be satisfied with where we are now. Learn to live in the moment, not everything happens at the same time as everyone else. 


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