Memories are Hidden Treasures
I was driving in the car with my mom the other day and we started talking about all of our times in Delray Beach, FL and missing Atlantic Ave. and the inner coastal and watching the boats go by. It hit me that all those times are only memories now. We can't go back to what was once a reality. All the family dinners we used to have and the boat rides. Everything you do will become a memory. So why is it so hard to realize to live in the moment, but yet we always look ahead or behind.
Four years ago I would be graduating from DTS and leaving to come back to reality. So how did time go so fast. I always miss YWAM during the winter months. You don't always realize the memories you are creating and the memories you make with people. It always goes way too fast. We are all in different phases of life now, and life has never been the same since then. But I miss that season of life. When all I had to worry about was to live for Jesus for six months. And then all of that changed. Time goes faster as you get older. And then what .. that's the hard question.
God doesn't always give you a direct answer. You kind of have to pray and wait. It's hard to live in the moment sometimes when your going through something hard. And then you miss it. You miss what you should have been enjoying at the moment of time. It's all about your frame of mind. Three years ago I went on a wonderful family trip to Key West. I was struggling inside, and I didn't feel like I was completely there. And I look back on it now wishing I did. Because it was a great trip. How often do we do that. We miss out because we are so focused on our troubles to live in the moment.
You also have to realize you can't change who you were during those moments either. I was in a very different place in college, in YWAM and even now. You learn and grow through those moments. But sometimes you just miss it .. like really miss it. I wish I could just fly cross country and see some familiar faces and talk about DTS or outreach. Keep some of these relationships alive. We all know how this feels, because deep down we all miss certain moments, think about certain people and experiences.
Memories are hidden treasures. Don't forget them! We need them to remember and to be able to move forward in life. It means you loved and you miss. Talk about them and write them down, take lots of pictures. Live in the moment.
Four years ago I would be graduating from DTS and leaving to come back to reality. So how did time go so fast. I always miss YWAM during the winter months. You don't always realize the memories you are creating and the memories you make with people. It always goes way too fast. We are all in different phases of life now, and life has never been the same since then. But I miss that season of life. When all I had to worry about was to live for Jesus for six months. And then all of that changed. Time goes faster as you get older. And then what .. that's the hard question.
God doesn't always give you a direct answer. You kind of have to pray and wait. It's hard to live in the moment sometimes when your going through something hard. And then you miss it. You miss what you should have been enjoying at the moment of time. It's all about your frame of mind. Three years ago I went on a wonderful family trip to Key West. I was struggling inside, and I didn't feel like I was completely there. And I look back on it now wishing I did. Because it was a great trip. How often do we do that. We miss out because we are so focused on our troubles to live in the moment.
You also have to realize you can't change who you were during those moments either. I was in a very different place in college, in YWAM and even now. You learn and grow through those moments. But sometimes you just miss it .. like really miss it. I wish I could just fly cross country and see some familiar faces and talk about DTS or outreach. Keep some of these relationships alive. We all know how this feels, because deep down we all miss certain moments, think about certain people and experiences.
Memories are hidden treasures. Don't forget them! We need them to remember and to be able to move forward in life. It means you loved and you miss. Talk about them and write them down, take lots of pictures. Live in the moment.
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