
God has been teaching me a lot about discernment. 
(in Christian contexts) perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding.

What it means is to ask God to give you confirmation over something, situations or direction. When you ask, He will answer. And most of the time you will know, or the answer will be given to you. It's not always what we want to know, but in asking Him about it, He will answer you. 

I'm also learning to actively learn what it means to guard your heart. When you don't know something, guard your heart until God gives you confirmation over it. It means praying and praying, and trusting that God will give way. 

Never put God in a box, the only one who is limiting Him is yourself. He is capable of doing so much, yet we tend to limit Him. I know I do. I feel like God is not able to come through on some things in my life. I get mad and frustrated. But am I limiting Him or am I- that I feel isolated at my job, and I'm not meeting anyone else. Or do I need to expand myself and go back to what's important to me to able to meet new people. It's party on yourself and for God to direct you there. It's been a wake up call for me recently. 

I think we need to stop limiting God and stop limiting ourselves that He won't fulfill His promises. And ask God to give discernment on something that you need. He is always moving in the unseen. 

Remember that Satan is a master theft, and he will throw things constantly at you disguised exactly as what you want. It's just being very careful knowing it's not from God. The Enemy is out to steel, kill and destroy. And we need to be more self aware of ourselves and our hearts. 


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