
Showing posts from April, 2016

When all you get is 'No' ...

There is an underlying issue that I don't talk about much, maybe to friends who I really trust. How do you explain when all you know is a broken heart, but have never ever gotten flowers before from a guy, not even a date. Not once have I ever experienced that amazing thing they call having a partner by your side. I get it, it comes with dedication and lots of hard work. I know the amount of passion that must go into a relationship even without the feelings. But yet i have no clue. In our culture we decide who is 'hot' or 'not' or if they have that 'spark' within the first few minutes of meeting someone or it's a No. they just don't feel it for you. I tend to hear that a lot, like a lot. I get friend-zoned to a tee. But aren't we the type of girls you should be with anyways. but oh yeah, I'm not that type of hot or I don't have that spark you so called think you deserve. But really, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what is beauti...