When all you get is 'No' ...

There is an underlying issue that I don't talk about much, maybe to friends who I really trust. How do you explain when all you know is a broken heart, but have never ever gotten flowers before from a guy, not even a date. Not once have I ever experienced that amazing thing they call having a partner by your side. I get it, it comes with dedication and lots of hard work. I know the amount of passion that must go into a relationship even without the feelings. But yet i have no clue.

In our culture we decide who is 'hot' or 'not' or if they have that 'spark' within the first few minutes of meeting someone or it's a No. they just don't feel it for you. I tend to hear that a lot, like a lot. I get friend-zoned to a tee. But aren't we the type of girls you should be with anyways. but oh yeah, I'm not that type of hot or I don't have that spark you so called think you deserve. But really, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what is beautiful to someone is different to another. You can't judge a person just by their looks but what their character is and that truly highlights their beauty.

We need to rise up a generation in the Church of Godly men, not Christian boys. Guys who are truly after God's heart and will purse Godly woman. Who will step up and take a few blows if they have to, you learn and you grow. there is so much emphasis on women that it just doesn't equal out anymore. Men need to take charge of their hearts and minds.

I meet these guys who I connect to so well with and they truly where like my best friend, but it just didn't workout that way. it broke my heart that they just walked out just because you poured your heart out to them. whether it was the 'i just don't feel it for you' or not, it sucks either way. 

The thing is this; we walk in sin and we are going to make mistakes. God can heal you and help you see where things went wrong. you forgive and move on and learn for next time. 

I'm praying that someday I will get that 'YES' from a man who will pursue me so hard. Who will love me, give me flowers, go on adventures, travel the world and do missions. I hope God will bless me even more then I could ever imagine. 

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." ~Ps. 37:4 




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