Steadfast Faith

Blessed to be a blessing. Sing until the miracle comes. 

Some of the biggest lessons we learn are through difficult circumstances and our long suffering. Yes, we are made for suffering. And it only holds true to how we handle those realities. The truth is we all make mistakes. We all do things out of our emotions instead of bringing them to the One. We should be seeking counsel instead of going to social media. It only leads down the dark path of self destruction. We need to place our hope in the Creator and not in what we can't control. Redirect our thinking and realities. We all have our moments when we would rather kick and scream and throw something across the floor and other times when we can rest in Him. 

Nothing changes by worrying about it. Instead we need to be praying about it. God has been really teaching me in this season about steadfast faith. And I mean real full out cry to the Lord prayers. To release that pain in spoken word and talk to Him about it. He knows the depths of our hearts and our situations. He see's the unseen and knows things we don't. 

"Just as we have to get off the coach and pour ourselves into working out if we want to gain physical strength, we have to be poured into circumstances that will result in our being transformed if we want to gain spiritual strength. In the middle of our disappointments and hard times, we must seek to be transformed into thinking biblically, processing with truth instinctively, and trusting God implicitly." 
-Lysa Terkeurst, It's Not Supposed to be this Way

We may not be able to change our circumstances, but God is changing us. My heart aches for understanding and clarity. I get tired of making irrational decisions based on my feelings. I need to take a step back and trust that He is the one who has everything figured out. Because He knows what is best for us. 

I'm not a bad person. My anxiety may tell me otherwise. Everyone of us has made decisions that we wish we didn't. I'm not what social media says I am, I am not what my job says I am, I am not what my family says I am .. I am who God says I am. We need to stick to that truth. 

"And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." 
-Luke 1:45 


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