
Showing posts from May, 2019

All a part of His beautiful Plan

Allow Me to introduce Myself again I'm the One that knew you before time began I've been waiting for you to let Me be your friend Everything you ever need is everything I am I have had little to say lately. I have fell silent with words unable to speak. God has been doing a lot over the past few months. And I wanted to share a little insight into it. Let me start with this .. God has had me in a season of newness. Everything has been out my comfort zone, bending and shaping me. It's been a hard season. When nothing makes sense and everything is circling around you. It's how diamonds are made, under pressure.  Let's go back a little to March. This was when God gave me the revelation of the power of the spoken word. I literally sang in my car and I felt the spirit of bondage fall off me. He has made me pray out loud to myself every morning before work and more recently I got my first acoustic guitar. I'm excited to finally learn to play and sing again. Lea...