All a part of His beautiful Plan

Allow Me to introduce Myself again
I'm the One that knew you before time began
I've been waiting for you to let Me be your friend
Everything you ever need is everything I am

I have had little to say lately. I have fell silent with words unable to speak. God has been doing a lot over the past few months. And I wanted to share a little insight into it. Let me start with this .. God has had me in a season of newness. Everything has been out my comfort zone, bending and shaping me. It's been a hard season. When nothing makes sense and everything is circling around you. It's how diamonds are made, under pressure. 

Let's go back a little to March. This was when God gave me the revelation of the power of the spoken word. I literally sang in my car and I felt the spirit of bondage fall off me. He has made me pray out loud to myself every morning before work and more recently I got my first acoustic guitar. I'm excited to finally learn to play and sing again. Learning to sing songs over your life and write the melodies of your heart. 

About two weeks before Life Weekend, I had three people come to me and say that I needed to go. I really didn't want to go. I have only ever gone to Killington. But God was telling me that I needed to go. So I went and I'm so glad that I did. It was a different group of people and it was more of your traditional retreat. It was about going deeper. Deeper with God, deeper with community, deeper in relationship. It opened doors to getting to know people more and learning more about who God created you to be. I didn't quite realize how hungry for the Lord I was. I miss being in a Christ centered community like that. I miss going deeper, and constantly growing. God has lead me to local ministries and expanding my love for missions and community. You feel apart of something. You feel accepted. You feel like your seen. Being intentional is huge in part of building relationships. Just go deeper. 

His plans have been far different then mine. I was not expecting for my life to look like it does. But in hindsight, I'm glad for it. All these delays are really His plans to mold and shape me in the Godly woman I am today. The waiting is hard. We all have bad days. But I'm learning to live my best life in these moments. 

There are times you feel like your not visible or even noticed, your seen. People see you. They can see how you live your life full out for the Lord and love on people. It's hard to not listen to the lies of the enemy echo in your ears that your not good enough, worthy enough or ever enough. God says that you are worthy. Listen to His truths. Let His Word ring truth to you. 

He has given me a new language to freely be myself and inspire everyone I come across with. What it means to really glow and spread the perfume of the Lord. These seasons can be incredibly painful, and often hard to understand. You are not unworthy of someone's affection. God know's and sees everything. There is so much beauty in the mess, and it's been amazing all at the same time. I am praying to continually see God's hand in every situation and every place that I am lead to. 

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10


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