
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Work Inside Us

I know breakthrough is coming, b y faith I see a miracle My God made me a promise, a nd it won't stop now ..  I haven't written anything in a long time, but here it goes. There is a shift happening .. mostly inside of me. Everything feels off, I'm not myself and I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack almost everyday. When it comes to our own issues and working inside our hearts, it hurts. I can say it really sucks right now. I've had some things pointed out to me that I need to work on. And it's mostly stuff I've known, but it's hindering me in my relationships, but its also hindering me from being at my full potential.  God honestly and genuinely wants whats best for us. Sometimes it's in our most painful and difficult seasons we see our biggest breakthroughs. It's not that he withholds us from something good, it's sometimes for our own sake until it's the right time. Fear holds us back. Fear gets in the way of things we desi...