Ridley Creek State Park, Mansion ( Sept. 17. 2011)
I took the day to shot pics with my friend Megan. We had a blast! It's a great place to have weddings and the park is beautiful. A great way to close into fall ...
I attended a singles seminar with Debra Fileta, who is a relationships blogger and counselor. She talked through some hard truths, but also what it means to be a healthy person to have healthy relationships. Here are a few things she said: •Healthy people equal healthy relationships •Set boundaries as a single person way before marriage •Be two whole people who don’t need each other, but rather choose to be with each other •Choose someone who will get better with time •Give and take, learn to communicate your feelings, interdependence •Be spiritually equal, anything of value is worth protecting Relationships are hard. We talk it up, to be something so much more then it is. That includes families, kids, relationships and marriage. Your feelings are vital and need to be able to talk about it. Learning to have a middle ground with personality differences. And really knowing who you are. Be in a healthy place as a single person. This is something ...
Beautiful surrender, that's right where I want to be. When we have seasons of extreme highs and lows, its easy to have doubts and often wonder how God will work it all out. I'm in a waiting season right now. God has me right where I am for a reason. I'm stressed out all the time wondering what the future holds for a job. I've had distractions and wondering if it will ever workout with anyone. It's asking God for patience, obedience, discernment and contentment. God has so much in store for me that I don't know about. God sees the unseen. He see's the entire picture. He is the master match maker, He sees the skills I will need for the next step. Its a season of preparation. It's the waiting in the process that is difficult. God is also preparing his heart too. And sometimes you are two steps ahead. And you need to pray that God is preparing them for you. Because it involves two people. But you need to focus on yourself and God. Its all the doubts...
Hello Friends!! So I wanted to share some heart to heart thought's with you. Over the past year or two, I have overcome some very hard life lessons, many of which are crucial to our well being. I learned a lot about the 'little stuff' that makes a big difference. I have learned more about myself and my character and how I handle situations, how I relate to people, and what I strive to be. When sometimes you need to learn to let go, because a lot is out of your control. but you can only do the best that you can. Life is messy, relationships are messy, everything is messy. but God takes that brokenness and can make it something beautiful. I felt convicted about my social media use over the summer. and you know what, I'm glad that I was. I didn't realize how consumed I was by it, even for the wrong reasons. It has its uses, but we need to be so careful in how we use it. Who we are online is not who we are in real life. we have personalities, a way we express ours...
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