
Showing posts from October, 2018

Hidden Valleys

Isn't it just like God, to turn our disappointments into a dance floor.  God often uses our times of waiting and obedience to truly rely on Him. To be honest, life has been really hard. I reached a breaking point that I just cried and cried, I hadn't cried in months. I've kept all my frustrations and hurts to myself for far too long. God doesn't want us to do that. He wants us to talk through our emotions and have people that can speak into our situations. My job situation was literally making me sick, and it was hurting everything around me. I needed a better way to lean into God for plans for my future. God has also had me in a season of preparation. He's been working through some hard truths, healing me and bringing me to a healthy place emotionally, spiritually and personally. Your bamboo seasons are your seasons of acceleration, because of the work He's been doing under is going to have unusual acceleration.   God has given me words for this year. Such ...

Great is Your Faithfulness!

The other day I got to attend the wedding of a dear friend of mine. The wedding was beautiful, filled with the Holy Spirit and blessed with love ones all around. I have known Leah for years now and I can say her obedience to the Lord has lead her to amazing places, and led her to her now husband. It has come with it's fair share of trials and tests, but God is faithful. I'm so happy for her and the new adventures she has ahead of her.  Being at her wedding brought back a lot of emotions. I know I want to get married too, but it made me miss the days when I was traveling, and the community missions brings. There is something so special about being somewhere abroad and the experiences you have with those around you. You can't even explain it sometimes. I have been home for a little over four years now and it's been a long haul of working through issues and having to work in general. What I am feeling now is ready to actually move forward. But I am not who or where I was...