Hidden Valleys

Isn't it just like God, to turn our disappointments into a dance floor. 

God often uses our times of waiting and obedience to truly rely on Him. To be honest, life has been really hard. I reached a breaking point that I just cried and cried, I hadn't cried in months. I've kept all my frustrations and hurts to myself for far too long. God doesn't want us to do that. He wants us to talk through our emotions and have people that can speak into our situations. My job situation was literally making me sick, and it was hurting everything around me. I needed a better way to lean into God for plans for my future. God has also had me in a season of preparation. He's been working through some hard truths, healing me and bringing me to a healthy place emotionally, spiritually and personally. Your bamboo seasons are your seasons of acceleration, because of the work He's been doing under is going to have unusual acceleration.  

God has given me words for this year. Such as my thirty years of waiting, discernment, blessings in the waiting, I'm worthy of pursing. And yet I feel like everything that has passed me by has fell through somehow. It's been disappointment after disappointment. It's been misunderstandings, miscommunications and feeling like everything is always my fault. When everything that is happening just doesn't make sense. It's been a hard year in learning life lessons and how to deal with it maturely. Redirection is often a detour to where God really wants you to be. Work on yourself, and learn to love who He created you to be. 

I'm thirty and still single, I really don't know what God is doing. I've had my fair share of heartaches and disappointments that you feel like giving up. You feel like no one likes you, your not worthy of anyone's time, and the lack of interest. Everyone else around you gets blessed but you. The ones your interested in end up with someone else. I've never even been on a date, I've never felt special or put first. But I'm a selfless person who cares too much. It's very disheartening. 

The enemy wants me to feel worthless, they are lies from the enemy. That I'm not worthy of someone's affection. Don't believe those lies. No one has power over your worth. When conflict arises, there is conflict in your heart. Don't ignore it. God is working in that area and you know it. Take it as an opportunity to trust God in the process of that conflict. 

God has changed me and grown me into the woman of God that only one man will be worthy of my affection. It's so darn hard to trust God with your relationships. But He does have someone for me. Because He's not finished with me yet. He will work it out in time. God has blessed me with rare gifts, given me self confidence in myself, being a mentor to others and being highly empathetic. He's given me a voice, a voice to speak up and speak life. He places qualities in you that will be a blessing to those around you. 

Everything God is preparing you for is worth the wait. God's timing is different for you then someone else. Don't feel discouraged when someone else gets blessed with what you want. Social Media is a liar and wants you to see only the good parts of someone's story. Let It Go. We are imperfect people trying to figure life out. Take a deep breathe and trust the process. 

A setback is a set up for what God is about to do. 

"Those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed." -Isaiah 49:23 


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