Believe in what you pray for

"The man God has for you is praying for you but he is also focused on godly purpose, growing as a man, preparing to lead your household and raise your children in true godliness. He is busy, yet fruit abounds on his life. He's not chasing money or women, he's chasing God. In God's timing, he will find you. Rest and trust. High caliber, high quality men are out here in abundance. Your just in the safe right now, on reserve for the one who will take care of your heart and love you as Christ loves the church. Rest Queen." -Sarita Foxworth 

Don't rush the process because you're lonely. I don't want to sound like a broken record about this, but I need to be honest about this. It's that wonderful time of the year, its the Christmas season and it's filled with joy, thankfulness and cheer. Honestly, I really struggle with singleness during the holidays. You see everyone out doing fun and cute things together, countless engagements and pictures. You see it every time you scroll through social media. It's really hard to not let it go to you. You see people have what you want. God is supposed to bless you with the desires of your heart, right. But it still hasn't happened for me .. yet. 

There are two ways of looking at this. Yes I am thirty and have never dated, which is a blessing. But also why have I not been on a date, I mean really. It's just ridiculous how guys are these days. Someone once told me that I am what you call top shelf. Someone who is high quality and is marriage material. Which also makes your choices very slim. I really want to believe that there are really good quality Godly men out there. Someone who knows what they want and won't hesitate to pursue me. That in itself has always troubled me. It goes both ways. But I'm also not going to let certain things go anymore. 

Half of the problem is that we go for whatever is available instead of asking God about it first. Because if we rush into relationships out of loneliness then you are settling. The better you are at being single the better your marriage will be. the Enemy is consistently attacking me in this area. I need to remind myself who I am, and not what I should be. Just because I always get rejected or they don't have interest in me, doesn't make me less of a person. God has brought me this far, and He will bring me to the right person at the right time. 

Singleness is the most important season of your life! Reap and sow, produce fruit. Get healthy, prepare your heart. We want to rush into the next season and then we wonder why we weren't ready. Take your time. 

We all struggle with comparison. We all have our flaws and are comparing ourselves to something. I compare myself to other girls in not the same way most people do. I have always compared myself to the girls the guys I liked to. Why would they like her and not me. When I was in college I got so caught up in it that I lost myself. And I still struggle with it. I wanted to look like her, have her personality and be like her. It is such a waste of time. God woke me up and helped me to realize that there's nothing that someone else has that you don't. You have to keep reminding yourself of that truth until you believe it. God created me in a very unique way. And having that self confidence in who I am will be worth it in the end. 

At the end of the day, relationships are not the most important thing. No one person can fill what only God can give us. Marriage is a gift, and is a choice in who you choose. You need to be praying about everything, or you will end up doing things out of sin. Love makes you do crazy things. 

I really want to take this time to reflect on all that God has done in my life, not what I don't have. To not let what other people have get to me. To spend this season around those who truly care about you, and want what is best for you. My seasons of breakthrough is coming, and God is faithful. Keep trusting in Him. 

"God is going to give you more than you asked for." -Eph. 3:20 


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