Peace is a promise You keep.

There's a peace far beyond our understanding .. 

God gave me the word over the past few months my thirty years of waiting. At the beginning of the year He gave me the word Grace. I was feeling hopeful and that God is going to do great and wonderful things. Well, I turned thirty and all the sudden I felt all fear and doubt crash over me. I could hardly stand it at my job that I was on the verge of having a melt down, that I asked to switch departments for a better work environment. Other areas of my life have seemed to crash and burn too. I feel like the enemy is trying to get me in places that will set you aside. But our job is to not allow for the enemy to do that. 

When everything doesn't make sense, that is when we need to really press into faith and pray. Have patience and allow for God to be God. Being an over thinker drives you nuts and you feel like you always read into everything. I did just turn thirty a few weeks ago, and a lot can change in a year. I just need to trust Him. 

I've been learning again what it means to step out in fear. How is it that we have become so accustomed to the normal, that we don't take risks anymore. Because it comes with a cost. Majority of the time things don't workout how we planned. But you know what, that's okay. Sometimes God has something better, or it's just not the right time yet. But the truth is, that you tried. So much good can happen when we step out of fear. Really pray about it, and seek His guidance. 

God can truly blessed others with who you are. He has given me a solid faith in trusting in who I am, and nothing set apart. Sometimes our own insecurities can hinder from someone who God called to bless you. Being a woman of faith takes a lot of hard work, and a lot of self reflection. I'm flawed like everyone else, but I'm made in the image of God. 

My hope is that God will make sense of all the mess and life will become a lot clearer. That I won't feel the stress and anxiety everyday over things I can't control. That He will make everything beautiful in it's time. 

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -John 14:27 


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