
Showing posts from April, 2018

Rock Climbing

This past year and a half has been such a blessing to me to be able to get back into climbing. I found a new gym close by and met some amazing mentors and coaches since then. I've competed in two boulder competitions, and you learn a ton during comp time. You cheer on other climbers as well as others helping you. I started climbing eight years ago when I was in college, and have loved it ever since. It's a sport that you can really challenge yourself mentally and physically and there are always new and amazing things to learn.  Rock climbing has gone main stream and gyms are popping up everywhere now. Years ago it was so hard to find a gym anywhere. Climbing is becoming more well known and more and more people are getting into the sport. You can top rope, lead climb and boulder. Climbing communities are great! It's nice because it still seems small in some aspects and you can meet people at gyms and go climb outdoors and meet up with other people.  I'm very hard on ...

Why fit in when you were mean't to stand out.

Why try to fit in when you were mean't to stand out. We are all unique in God's image right. Well that's how it's suppose to be any how. We are constantly comparing ourselves on a daily basis thanks to social media. We see perfectly cut images of our friends and other people who look way too perfect that we try to look like them. We spend hours perfecting our Instagram accounts to fit a mold that everyone does. We try to be different but all end up looking the same in the end. But we all do it!!! whatever is the current trend that year even that month we all jump to post it. In reality, we don't know what pain someone is going through, or the amount of self image problems we have, I've struggled with it for years. We want likes and followers. It only lead to self depression and wanting more and more of it. But there are real people behind these accounts! I am a person, and I have feelings. We need to be kinder to ourselves and other people. I used to think t...

Trusting God, Work Ministry and True Faith.

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."  -(Hebrews 11:1) Trusting God .. but what does that really look like. When we pray to God to answer our prayers it often does not look like what we want it to. And sometimes it turns out even better or not at all then what we prayed for. I will admit, I don't pray as much as I used to. I mean real full hearten prayers. I can say working full time is not what I wanted to see myself doing. Its been four years since I've been out of YWAM and God has had me home and it's been so hard. I hate growing up. I miss having the freedom to go wherever God calls you to, whenever, wherever. Being able to make plans and work around whatever you have going on. I don't have that freedom anymore.  I value my time so much. Not having the time to do what I want is stressing me out. Working 40 hours a week and trying to have a life at the same time, I don't know how anyone can do it! Adu...


I am a selfless person. I am someone who has a servant heart and always puts others before myself. I know that I am an introvert, and have done several personalty tests over the years. I am an advocate. I always want to do what is right and what is best during situations, it also leads me to having a strong sense of responsibility and an intensive listener. All of which are rare these days to find qualities in someone like this. There a lot of good and a lot hard things being someone who has these qualities.  You go way out of your way to much that you expect the same amount in return. The hardest part is people are not going to give back what you do in return. So it only leads to disappointment and frustration. I've had to learn to be humble to myself, and not take it so personally. When it involves thinking of yourself every once in a while, people think your being selfish. you shouldn't have to explain yourself either. one of my greatest attributes is mentor-ship.  Bein...

Few Little Words.

To be honest, I've been in a season where I've had few words. I process by writing and in a journal. I feel like I repeat myself a lot, but here's the thing, God is placing these desires and thoughts on my heart. I want to be honest, raw and open about the things He is doing. there are so many bloggers and people who write them, but I want to make mine, my own.  I have hopes and dreams just like everyone else. you see so many people seem to get the things you want. get married, have children, be own their own, and so on. in reality, life is not what social media is. you don't see the behind the scenes and all that went into getting there. go at your own pace. life is not a race. slow down! enjoy where you are now.  Certain things in life are worth waiting for. and that means waiting for God to mature you to get you where you want to be. Four years ago I was a hot mess. Even though I was a lot more mature then some I was with, I still was not there. and God knew that...

Imperfect Seasons

Our imperfections will never override God’s promises. To be honest,  I am a perfectionist, and it makes life crazy hard at times. I always have to get things right the first time, I always go above and beyond in everything in life that I do. It's stressful and you know what, life doesn't work that way. and it's hard to accept that your going to be told how to do things and how other people want them. and that comes with a lot of humility and forgiveness for yourself.  I'm in that weird stage of life where I had to accept the fact that I'm growing older and I need to take on more responsibilities and to be able to do things on my own. I know I wish I could go back four years ago when I was in Turkey with my YWAM team and having a blast serving the Lord. and I wish I could go back to that time in my life. But I'm not there, and life has moved us all into different seasons of our lives.  Life has been a world wind of crazy up and downs since then, and I don...

Spring it Forward

WELL!!! I have not blogged in a LONG time!!!! I think it's about time!!!  I am someone who processes my thoughts through writing .. and I can say, life has given me few words lately. i guess I'm just in a different season of life.  2017 was filled with many very highs and very lows. I went to Vermont to snowboard on a retreat, got back into climbing again, got a full time job and moved up in the world  .. not really.  God spoke to me in BIG ways. like crazy ways. God brought out a lot of hard heavy stuff in my life and made me work through it and really deal with it. and dealing with it is hard. you have to be vulnerable to allow God to work in those areas in your life to make you more of a whole person. and i feel it. i feel like God is changing me for the better and I've needed to for a long time. I've had my biggest growth spurt and I'm glad for it. God is always looking out for what's best for us.  While my life may not currently look like what I h...