Why fit in when you were mean't to stand out.
Why try to fit in when you were mean't to stand out. We are all unique in God's image right. Well that's how it's suppose to be any how. We are constantly comparing ourselves on a daily basis thanks to social media. We see perfectly cut images of our friends and other people who look way too perfect that we try to look like them. We spend hours perfecting our Instagram accounts to fit a mold that everyone does. We try to be different but all end up looking the same in the end. But we all do it!!! whatever is the current trend that year even that month we all jump to post it.
In reality, we don't know what pain someone is going through, or the amount of self image problems we have, I've struggled with it for years. We want likes and followers. It only lead to self depression and wanting more and more of it. But there are real people behind these accounts! I am a person, and I have feelings. We need to be kinder to ourselves and other people.
I used to think that being different was well .. different. I grew up in the 90s where we didn't talk about divorce, being over weight or mental health. It was not as common then as it is now. When I was a new Christian, I didn't like talking about my testimony. I didn't grow up in the church, and I was saved through a tragic event of losing my dad. I didn't meet many people then who have a story like mine. But I was wrong. God meets us where we are. The more comfortable I got with talking about the hard stuff, the more and more people I met needed to hear it.
God gave us all unique and different qualities and personalities for a reason. We need each other to balance life out and each other. We fall into the envy trap wishing we looked like her, or had her personality or her life. But there are things that people envy about you. People may admire my strength, compassion, travels, my eyes, work ethic. The more solid in our faith and know who we are, the more we won't fall into the envy trap. We all compare ourselves to different things depending on our stage in life. I want to be like her because he liked her but not me, or I wish my house looked like that or have her kids, we all do it.
Here's the thing, be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios. Be that shinning light that we all need. Don't care what others think of you and stop comparing your life to someone's Instagram account. We are made for so much more then that, and we all know it! God created us for a much greater purpose.
In reality, we don't know what pain someone is going through, or the amount of self image problems we have, I've struggled with it for years. We want likes and followers. It only lead to self depression and wanting more and more of it. But there are real people behind these accounts! I am a person, and I have feelings. We need to be kinder to ourselves and other people.
I used to think that being different was well .. different. I grew up in the 90s where we didn't talk about divorce, being over weight or mental health. It was not as common then as it is now. When I was a new Christian, I didn't like talking about my testimony. I didn't grow up in the church, and I was saved through a tragic event of losing my dad. I didn't meet many people then who have a story like mine. But I was wrong. God meets us where we are. The more comfortable I got with talking about the hard stuff, the more and more people I met needed to hear it.
God gave us all unique and different qualities and personalities for a reason. We need each other to balance life out and each other. We fall into the envy trap wishing we looked like her, or had her personality or her life. But there are things that people envy about you. People may admire my strength, compassion, travels, my eyes, work ethic. The more solid in our faith and know who we are, the more we won't fall into the envy trap. We all compare ourselves to different things depending on our stage in life. I want to be like her because he liked her but not me, or I wish my house looked like that or have her kids, we all do it.
Here's the thing, be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios. Be that shinning light that we all need. Don't care what others think of you and stop comparing your life to someone's Instagram account. We are made for so much more then that, and we all know it! God created us for a much greater purpose.
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