Imperfect Seasons
Our imperfections will never override God’s promises.
To be honest, I am a perfectionist, and it makes life crazy hard at times. I always have to get things right the first time, I always go above and beyond in everything in life that I do. It's stressful and you know what, life doesn't work that way. and it's hard to accept that your going to be told how to do things and how other people want them. and that comes with a lot of humility and forgiveness for yourself.
I'm in that weird stage of life where I had to accept the fact that I'm growing older and I need to take on more responsibilities and to be able to do things on my own. I know I wish I could go back four years ago when I was in Turkey with my YWAM team and having a blast serving the Lord. and I wish I could go back to that time in my life. But I'm not there, and life has moved us all into different seasons of our lives.
Life has been a world wind of crazy up and downs since then, and I don't know how I've made it. some hard rejections and family changes, work and losing and gaining friends. Life right. its hard.
I'm an imperfect person. we all make mistakes, say things and do things we don't always realize are wrong. we all hurt others and others hurt you. I compare myself to other girls wishing I looked like her or had her personality because that guy liked her and not you. all it does is leads to self hate and self depression. If there isn't something he liked about you, its his lose.
The better you know yourself, the more you don't allow what others think about you affect you anymore. God knows your heart and He is the only one that matters.
On another note, I know I am almost 30 and single, and have fought with God about my singleness, why I can't seem to get a boyfriend, and all your friends seem to meet someone and get hitched! tell me about it!!! anyways, I'm also in that weird stage in life where you don't really have a best friend, and you also don't know who your real friends are. The reality is that we are all just living, and people are coming and going in and out of life like hot cakes, and it's hard to be close to anyone. No one lives near one another and its hard to be personal. you just got to take it for what it is and realize that people are only there for seasons.
But really, be personal. reach out to someone, ask how they are, take them for coffee. people want to feel loved and know you care!!!!
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