Your the Mountain Mover
What does it look like to just be .. to just be in His presence again. We grow soo used to being busy all the time we don't actually take the time for Him. God is a jealous God, and He wants all of our attention. He wants to get our attention back on Him. The enemy will do anything to distract us. And we need to be praying for discernment in the process. Something was brought up to me the other night after church, what is the next? I was explaining how I went to college, did YWAM and now working full time, and I feel like my time following God is up. I'm in a different season of life now. And it sometimes involves giving up a lot in the process. But I'm not feeling fulfilled in what I am doing. I feel drained and tired all the time. I feel like I'm waiting for that next big thing to happen .. but what does that look like. God has grown me and changed me so much over the past few years that all that I have learned can be used in such significant ways. I'm an amazi...